2015 19 Sep to 25 Sep
London Design Festival Marmoreal by Max Lamb: A pictographic story of material making.
4 Thurloe Place Mews, London, SW7 2HL
Following exhibitions in Milan, Beijing and Basel, Dzek brings Marmoreal to London as a part of the Jane Withers curated Brompton Design District. Set in a South Kensington garage in Thurloe Place Mews, a stone’s throw from the V&A, this London Design Festival exhibition presents Marmoreal in its complete range of standard colours and dimensions. From full slabs and tiles to a selection of furnishings, this unique arrangement marks the first time viewers can experience the full-size, three-metre slabs. All these formats of Marmoreal are shown alongside images and text that give visitors an in-depth insight into its manufacturing process, from concept and prototype all the way to production and application.