Marmoreal® is available in two colourways in a range of standard dimensions and finishes that suit different applications.
The current issue of Disegno features Flaxwood in a series of short stories on memory and design. Kitya Mark considers how her early encounters with linoleum, with its earthy scent and cushioning nature, offer an archetype for our shared experience of a product made entirely from natural ingredients – and one which predates less sustainable alternatives, such as vinyl. Together with Christien Meindertsma, we guide Kitya through Flaxwood’s efforts to return linoleum to its essence, all the while shaping the future of biogenic and non-extracted materials.
Meet Max Lamb, the London-based designer behind Marmoreal.
ExCinere, our volcanic-ash-glazed tiles developed in collaboration with Formafantasma. Available in two standard sizes, eight glazes and a range of options for special installation needs.
Through 'La Casa Dentro', Formafantasma’s exhibition first unveiled in early 2024, the designers touched on themes of domesticity, ornamentation vs. function, and the meaning of objects and homes as part of our collective memories and personal identities. So when Andrea Trimarchi and Simone Farresin opened the doors to their 1930s Milan apartment for Living Corriere della Sera to reveal a slice of life in that most sacred of settings, seeing ExCinere feature in a number of cohesively-linked flourishes – all of which they designed – was especially captivating. From the side table integrated into a fitted sofa, to the centrepiece circular table atop an entire kitchen floor, to the unique tiled headboard, the four tones of Terra tiles feature throughout, down to a single row to form the skirting board.
Christien Meindertsma and Dzek will be included in MoMA’s upcoming exhibition 'Pirouette: Experiments and Turning Points in Design', on show from January 26 to October 18, 2025. Its focus is on design as an agent for change, and the role designers play as catalysts for challenging behaviours, habits and circumstances most in need of addressing in society. Flaxwood will feature alongside design icons including the Apple Macintosh 128K (1983) and Milton Glaser's original I ♥ NY concept sketch (1976), among others. Read more in Exhibitions.